Time:- From Happy days to Happy Days after Happy Days!!

టెన్నిస్ లోనె క్రికెట్ చూస్తూ స్పేర్లే లేని స్ట్రైకులు వేస్తాం....
బర్గర్ అయినా బొంచేసేస్తూ,పిజ్జాలతొనే పయనిచేస్తాం...
ఎక్కడికైన తరలొచేస్తూ,ఎ పని అయినా కానిచేస్తాం...
బాక్సే రాని సినిమా చూసేస్తూ,వారాంతాన్ని జీవించేస్తాం...
వేగస్ అయిన అట్లాంటిక్ సిటి అయిన ,నివ్యార్క్ అయిన మెక్సికో అయినా కలసి మెలసి బౌండరీలు దాటేస్తాం...
ల్యాప్టాప్లైనా ఐఫోన్లయినా చిటికలో బెరం ఆడేస్తాం...
దిక్కులన్ని అద్దిరిపడే వంటలెన్నో గూగుల్తొనే వండేస్తాం.....
బర్త్ డే అయినా బ్లాక్ డే అయినా కారనం దొరికితే పండగ చేస్తాం...
సిక్స్ ప్యాక్ - బీర్లయినా , బాడి అయిన పట్టుదలతో సాదించేస్తాం..
పబ్బింగ్ అయిన క్లబ్బింగ్ అయినా యెల్లో పేజెస్ కే పేజీలు రాసేస్తాం...
మెమే మిత్రమా ఇండియన్ బ్యాచిలర్స్ ఆఫ్ అమెరికా....

Tennis replaces cricket and bowling strikes as a hobby with out a spare...
We live on burgers and survive on pizzas....
We are ubiquitous meaning we can work/live in any location/anytime..
We watch movies before the sensor board does,we enjoy every weekEnd as if it is 'The End'...
From Atlantic City to Vegas and from Newyork to Mexico we have the license to be thrilled beyond the 50 United states...
Laptops(we love you) to Iphones we will find you the cheapest deal....
Google not only for work but also to cook....
Birthday or blackday , all we need is a reason to celebrate....
Pubbing or clubbing we were there , if the yellopages has it.....
We my friend are the Indian bachelors of america....

The transition begins with playing Tennis outdoors and Washing dishes indoors.Tennis is a bronze medal game back home where we laugh-love-live cricket.But its a different story here as every apartment complex has a tennis court and swimming pool.Soo tennis rackets replace cricket bats and the tennis Net the fielders.

Some times when we remember the golden olden days we start playing cricket in the same tennis courts....

Far from home you will discover the meaning of unity in diversity.We are all so different yet we find a way to co-exist and enjoy every beautiful little moment.Ofcouse we are human and our egos do play their part which adds to the fun.
While one watches movies starting from 1942 oscar winners to japanese and korean movies...
One of us is online all the time as if the world comes to end if he signs out....
And dude 3 is busy checking out new cars and stocks...
Dude 4 sleeps ,yep he just sleeps all the time.......
Now if all the dudes are busy in their own worlds who does the cooking?
Good question mom cant fly here every day nor can the orria cook from bangalore.
We cook in shifts !!

Yep you heard it right we work in shifts... 3 days shifts.Getting in to the right team is the difficult part.If you pick a wrong partner you have to do two anniyan roles, washing dishes and cooking.So we should employee the same amount of caution as we do while picking a life partner:).Sunday is a holiday as we have so many other things to do.pubbing,clubbing ,casinoing,you name it and we did it.And off course laundry.....

If its your lucky day at the casino it is 'The Day' for everyone else.Party time!!.If we win 100 we spend 400$ and if we loose we will not tell anyone.

The dude who stays online all the time was not to be found at home and was also not answering his phone.All we could find on his table was a small note which said....
"I cant imagine a life with out you and so i am ending it"
After searching the rail tracks,airport runways etc we finally found him at the atlatic city beach waiting for the tallest tide.With great difficutly we could stop the big tide and the story is ....
The online dude had to go offline as his laptop died on him the previous day.And that was the first time he had to go offline for so long..Hmm he was finally happy and back online once we found him a good deal . Now thats my fiction:)

We watch movies before the sensor board does,we enjoy every weekEnd as if it is 'The End'....
Thanks to the torrents , we watch every dam movie.Friends back home would not even have heard the titles of those Indian movies.We are not the pirates but just the victims of piracy:).

Birthday or blackday , all we need is a reason to celebrate.

It all starts with a cake and candles and end with eggs in the bath tub and all the leftovers on your head:).

From Atlantic City to Vegas and from New york to Mexico we have the license to be thrilled beyond the 50 states..

On one fine day dude woke up from his dream .A dream that every bachelor has atleast once in his life time.A 6 pack dream and he immediately gave up his 12 pack beers.And he dint stop there he took all the other dudes/victims to the vitamin shoppe.They would have spent more dollars on the costumes and vitamin drinks than the number of days they would have gone to the zym.But the serious dude went on and did manage to get a 6 pack.There used to be posters all around the house saying "catch me eating rice and you will be rewarded 20$."
Life is all about learning while experiencing...the sooner the sweeter/better.
We can be grouped by 'with or with out a BMW','with or with out a 6 figure income' which leads to 'with or with out a girl friend' etc etc,but we are all still the same at heart...Indian bachelors of America.